What you need to retire comfortably
How much does the average person need to save for retirement? There is a misconception out there that you need millions of dollars to live a dignified and independent retirement. This is simply not true. It is all based on your lifestyle needs.
81% of Canadians who have a financial plan feel they are on track with their financial affairs, including retirement, compared to 44% of Canadians with no plan.
Tips for a Successful Retirement
- Establish a cash flow plan and manage debts
- Take full advantage of workplace pension plans and RRSPs
- Enroll in automatic investment plans
- Make full use of other tax-advantage savings plans such as TFSAs
- Obtain the services of a Certified Financial Planner
Products or services related to investments, investment recommendations, financial planning, retirement planning, and investment reviews are provided through our mutual fund dealer Security Financial Services and Investment Corp.
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