Your Goals and Expectations:
What do you want out of life? What does your retirement look like? What other goals do you have?
Let’s have a chat. We begin by getting to know your wants and desires.
Data Collection:
Where are you now? How are your finances set up? Where are your investments held and how are they being managed? This includes your RRSPs, LIRAs, TFSAs, annuities, government plans such as CPP, OAS, and GIS, the analysis of registered pension plans, deferred profit sharing plans, severances packages and retirement packages.
Development of your custom Financial Plan including Strategies for Success:
This is our job, with all the information and a clear picture of what you want to achieve we will develop your Personal Financial Plan. Part of which will include the creation of a Cash Flow Spending Plan that is tailored to your lifestyle. We will show you how to reorganize your debt (if any) to pay it off sooner and allocate funds towards wealth accumulation.
You have the power to change your financial future, by implementing the plan you will achieve your lifestyle goals and dreams. “The secret of getting ahead is getting started” Mark Twain.
Regular Reviews:
Our process includes measureable results, we will meet at minimum once per year (more if you desire) to review and update your plan. This will ensure you stay on track and adjust the plan as your life changes and evolves. Upon retirement we will transition your investments and planning to ensure you live the life you want with the resources you have built.
If you want a sound sleep, get a sound financial plan.
Products or services related to investments, investment recommendations, financial planning, retirement planning, and investment reviews are provided through our mutual fund dealer Security Financial Services and Investment Corp.
4665 Yonge Street, Suite 309, Toronto, ON M2N 0B4 t 416.964.0440