Tracey Marshall
As founder of The Money Tree Financial Planning Inc., I specialize in working with women and couples who are approaching retirement age and are serious about their Retirement Income Planning. I help people plan for their future so they can live the lifestyle they desire; without ever worrying about running out of money.
How The Money Tree Was Born
A couple of years ago when I was starting my financial blog I tossed and turned at night trying to come up the best name possible to describe what I do. I wanted to provide an information source for my clients that was purely for their benefit, to educate them. So often in this industry financial professionals speak in a language that most people don’t understand and don’t care to understand. I wanted to write a blog that was simple and easy to read, but informative and current. While I laid there I thought about what I do as a financial planner; helping people build wealth and creating nest eggs that would provide them with income and financial security to last their lifetime. In that moment; I thought of my mother who didn’t always have the money to purchase the things we wanted, and I remember her always saying “We don’t have a money tree in the back yard”. This was my aha moment; providing people with life-long financial security, in essence planting a Money Tree in their back yard, so they never have to worry about running out of money.
Mom said “We don’t have a money tree in the back yard”
As an Independent Financial Planner I effectively increase the wealth of many individuals while helping them to become more informed before making decisions with regards to their cash flow, investments, estate, tax and retirement planning. As an Independent Planner, my recommendations are totally non-bias and always made in the best interest of those that come to me for guidance. I consider myself one of the ‘lucky people’ in this world, as I absolutely love what I do.
It was in 1994 when I decided to follow my father’s footsteps and join the family business; Security Financial Services & Investment Corp. and I have been there ever since.
Since I attained my CFP designation in 2001 I have been creating Retirement Income Plans for all my clients. I did notice however, they did not always get implemented. After some inquiries I discovered that not all my clients could afford X amount of dollars every month to put towards their retirement plan. It was then that I realized Cash Flow Planning is the core to every Retirement Plan, and if you don’t show people how to take control of their day to day finances their retirement dreams would never come to fruition.
My passion now lies in helping people build wealth by giving them their financial power back. My process, The Money Tree, helps people build a solid foundation that provides them with financial security for the rest of their lives.
Designations and Special Skills
Certified Financial Planner
Certified Cash Flow Specialist
Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
Elder Planning Counselor
Life, Accident & Sickness Insurance Agent
25 years experience
Products or services related to investments, investment recommendations, financial planning, retirement planning, and investment reviews are provided through our mutual fund dealer Security Financial Services and Investment Corp.
4665 Yonge Street, Suite 309, Toronto, ON M2N 0B4 t 416.964.0440