If your child is planning on attending college or university next month, chances are you are thinking about redeeming money from your Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). Although you don’t have to provide receipts; you will have to provide Proof…
Maintaining your Principle Residence Exemption when Transition to Retirement Living
By 2026, it’s projected more than 610,000 Canadian seniors will live in collective dwellings; nursing homes, long-term care facilities and seniors’ residences. If you, or a loved one is considering moving into a collective dwelling, a decision must be made…
Rocky Markets
The markets have been in a tizzy this week, starting off with a sudden dip on Monday followed by a relief rally and now ending the week almost where we began. Even though it dipped fast, it recovered almost as…
Estate Planning with Segregated Funds
Many seniors choose Segregated funds for the estate preservation feature; they can invest in the market to achieve growth potential, without putting their family’s inheritance at undue risk. Segregated (Seg) funds combine the growth potential of regular investment funds but…