Being accepted into university, college or grad school is a major milestone in your child’s life. Before they head off to campus in the next couple of weeks be sure to advise them on how to attend post-secondary without racking…
You’ve been asked to be an Executor; now what?
It’s not the kind of question that comes up every day; so before you accept automatically you should know what will be expected of you. Although you may be flattered by the request, your willingness to be someone’s executor should…
Withdrawing Money from Your RESP
If your child is planning on attending college or university next month, chances are you need to redeem money from your Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). Although you don’t have to provide receipts; you will have to provide Proof of…
Passing Down the Cottage
Many Canadians (including our family) will spend this long-weekend on the dock, boating, fishing, enjoying various water sports, and sitting around the campfire eating s’mores. Family cottaging is a great Canadian tradition – one that many people inherit from their…