Your credit score is a numerical representation based on your current and past credit history, it will range between 300 (worst) and 900 (best). There are always misconceptions on what affects your credit; here are a few myths and realities:…
What Happens if There is a Second Wave?
With fall and winter approaching, children back to school, day cares open, and people slowing returning to the office, the question everyone is asking; Will there be a second wave? And if so; What will happen to my portfolio? The good news is that…
Heading Into Fall
Market Update I hope you and your family are well and have enjoyed the summer. Fall is approaching and the “new normal” continues as students head back to school, whether virtually or in person, and many people continue to work…
Life After CERB
Those that lost their jobs because of Covid-19 have most likely been taking advantage of the government’s largest benefit, the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). As of mid-August, 8.6 million Canadian employees and self-employed persons have been paid over $69.4…