In contrast to the relative market calm of 2017, volatility returned to equity markets in the first quarter of this year. Most global markets dropped sharply in early February, with some falling into correction territory (a decline of 10% or…
Last Minute Tax Filing Tips
If you’re scrambling last minute to get your taxes done before the April 30th deadline, here are a few tips directly from Canada Revenue Agency (CRA); Do your taxes on-line. CRA has created a list of certified software packages and…
Ontario’s 2018 Budget: Benefits = Debt
A couple of weeks ago the Ontario Liberal government announced their 2018 budget. Although the benefits may seem vary enticing, it leaves one to wonder, how are all these things going to be paid for? As it sits, Ontario’s debt…
Saving for Disabled Family Members
April is Autism awareness month; these types of campaigns are important because they remind us of the many families whom struggle financially to take care of disabled loved ones. One government program that can help is a Registered Disability Savings…